In it the author posits the notion that Tebow's cancellation is due, in some measure, to the church's views - namely,
that Jesus is the only way of salvation, the certainty of eternal judgment for those who die outside of Christ, the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.In 2000 years of history, the Christian church in all its variant mainline denominations has held fast to these same tenets in a manner that sought to honor Christ, even if it did not adequately demonstrate God's idea of love or respect for those who are without Christ.
That is, until the latter part of the 20th century, and now the beginning of the 21st. It has now become fashionable to label those who maintain such beliefs as being "hater" oriented. (This was a common name for believers in the "Left Behind" movie series that seems to have caught on.) Christians, at least in the West, seem to quickly assume a position of silence in the hopes of maintaining some degree of political correctness that will assuage any bruised feelings.
My question is this: If we who desire to be genuine in calling ourselves followers of Christ, who seek to live out our Christianity in daily conversation with God in the presence of the world, decide to be silent over the Word that has saved us, what will the outcome be for such workers in the field? If we are to be salt and light, snatching out of the fire those headed toward an unrepentant eternity, how can we do so without being salt where "nothing tastes" and light where darkness reigns?
When we say God's laws reign supreme, a Christian's life and conduct and choices must reflect this belief at some point.
Where is that point?
God has said very clearly that judgment will begin in His house (1 Peter 4:17). Since it begins in the house we hold as our inheritance, how should we then live?
We were never told that life would be without conflict (John 16:33). But we were promised an Overcomer would walk with us through it.
So, I ask: where are we going?
Where are you going?
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