I saw a billboard downtown that said, "What this nation needs is an awakening to God." I believe this to be all too true and accurate. Our nation has lost her identity, sense of purpose, and her character because she has forsaken her relationship with the living God Who birthed her and loves her. I believe she has forsaken her first love; she has turned away from Him and gone after others to give her what only God can provide. The things we presently feel - unseasonable weather, a bad economy getting worse, rising debt and unemployment, and bad counsel from ungodly leadership - are, I believe, the beginning pangs of a woodshed experience with a disappointed Father, a Holy God, a Righteous Judge. And since judgment begins with the house of God, we who call ourselves Christians do well to first get right with God so that we can know how to stand and serve Him in this hour.
Please join me in seeking the face of the Lord. Join me in praying for the boldness of God that speaks to such times as these. Join me in weeping between the porch and the altar (Joel 2:17) for a nation that has mingled with the ungodly (Hosea 7:8), that she might perhaps be redeemed.Join me in standing in the gap for a nation at risk. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb. 10:31).